Remembering Kevin Mitnick: A Luminary of Cybersecurity

Remembering Kevin Mitnick: A Luminary of Cybersecurity

7/20/20231 min read

It is with profound sorrow that I hear the passing of Kevin Mitnick, an unparalleled star in the world of cybersecurity, a person whose life journey crossed paths with my own in conference events, various lists of influencers, and even in the Twitterverse.

Kevin's transformation from a notorious hacker to a champion of cybersecurity is a narrative that has inspired and will continue to inspire countless individuals around the globe. His journey to become a White Hat hacker, coupled with his significant contributions to the community as a public speaker, writer, and founder, has indelibly impacted the cybersecurity industry. Kevin’s story is a testament to his resiliency, adaptability, and ability to evolve for the greater good.

Those of us who had the privilege of interacting with Kevin, albeit briefly, experienced his great intellect, unwavering curiosity, and immense generosity. These qualities were reflected in the high standards he set for himself and for those who worked with him. His dedication towards his craft, his team, and the community at large were traits that set him apart, making him a truly extraordinary figure in our field.

Despite his life being tragically cut short, Kevin's legacy continues to motivate and influence us, and make a positive difference in our communities. His story serves as a powerful reminder that every adversity can be turned into an opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute. It is a narrative that reinforces the power of resilience and personal transformation.

At this difficult time, my deepest condolences go out to his wife Kimberley, who is expecting their first child, his extended family, his friends including Stu Sjouwerman, SACP, and to all those whose lives were touched by this incredible man. The cybersecurity community has lost a bright star, but Kevin’s legacy will forever illuminate our path.

Kevin Mitnick, your extraordinary journey, your contributions, and your passion for cybersecurity have left an indelible mark. You will be sorely missed but never forgotten.

Rest in peace, Kevin. Your light continues to guide us.

-Magda Chelly